Guest post written by Kevin Beach
I was watching my favorite morning show on Direct TV this morning and they had a segment that highlighted a new reality television show called “Border Town Loredo” . The show is a totally new cop show idea. Basically it follows a narcotics division in a border town in Texas. The situations are really dangerous. We hear a lot about how dangerous the Texas border cities have become, but now we will actually get to see just how dangerous it is. We have a friend from Texas that insists that the violence along the border is just as bad as we see in the media. He said that his parents moved from a border town in Texas to Dallas. They felt like the area was getting really dangerous and that the school were not as good as they were in Dallas. It seems like the border officers face life and death situations everyday. It is really a service that these officers are doing for our countries trying to stop heavy drug traffickers. I am going to be watching the show!